Saturday 31 May 2014

Production Meeting Reflection 1

Our production meeting was set around a table where we each had to express our idea to everyone who was seated. When we would finish, the classmates would feedback their questions in which the person who said their idea, would have to answer. 
My groups response to my pitch had positive comments, although they would question something if they didn't understand it. They said they liked my colour scheme and the background designs I created for my ideal show. Prinul in particular pointed this out with "I really like your design ideas for the background" and everyone else around the table agreed and said yes that they liked it. They said it was suitable and visually appealing.  They also liked one of my games, "guess the artist" with the picture of the artist has an effect on it and the guest has to guess who it is. Also, they liked my idea of having an iPad on the show and using it to look like the presenter is looking at the tweets but the graphics generator will have the tweets pop up on the screen.
I voted for Jada's idea because I thought she did well on elaborating on every detail and really telling everyone what she wanted to have in her show. Her running order was clear and precise and I liked how she ordered when she would present the games, the music videos etc. I like the name 'The Beat' because it's very simple and gives away the idea that the show is going to be about the music industry.
Many of her aspects related to the theme such as the game, "Finish the lyric..." and "Who wore it best?" using singers. Her colour scheme also sticks to the brief because it appeals to the teenage audience. 
The areas of development in her work that are needed to make the show the best it can be is by having a USP. Without this, there will be no highlight in the show to top it off. This will also shine throughout any other show that hasn't had a USP.
Other ideas that I think could be incorporated into the final idea would be the food and drinks on the table to make it look more comfortable. To have funny presenters which will make the show even more entertaining and enjoyable to watch. There are many more aspects that could be added to the final idea from each and everyones ideas as there were a lot of good ideas shared around the table.

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