Wednesday 21 May 2014

Multi Camera Show Pitch

Title of my Show: Hear All About It! 

Programme Format

The entire show will run for 30 minutes with the technique of Multi-Camera, and is based upon a Music Magazine Show. The target audience are for teenagers and young adults aging from 14 to 20, which means we all individually in the class have to come up with an idea that will benefit the age title. We have to add in 3 music videos that we had created in our last unit, interaction with the audeince and at least 2 pre-recorded footage to add in.

The logo I have created is shown on the right. When creating my logo, I went for a simple cold blue background with the fading effect of the white so it has the main focus on the title, which then transitions to the imagery on the right of the logo. To make it obvious that my show will be about music, I added three music notes on the side that made my logo stand out as black is a bold colour, taking into consideration that the rest of my logo is very light in colour. The reason why I called my show 'Hear All About It' is because of how it gives away an idea that the show itself will include a lot of gossip and with new and upcoming music which makes it exciting and intriguing for the audience in return to think "let's hear all about it then". I wanted the title in the logo to stand out with the use of outlining the white words in florescent colours... and also creating rhythm in my logo to tie in with the relation to music as it scatters from left to right.

For the format of my show, I really like the idea of a banterous vibe like Keith Lemon's Celebrity Juice show. I like the idea of the presenters being funny and sharing jokes for the audience to connect to so they would settle in to the show. I also like the idea of having my show like Alan Carr: Chatty Man and The Graham Norton Show as the mood overall is full of laughter and they include food and drinks which I feel will make my show look more realistic and comfortable when watching.

Content Ideas

For the opening sequence, I was thinking of having different scenes where it looks like the director, presenters, camera people etc. are getting ready to start the show. This could include the presenters getting their make-up touched up on set by "make up artists" or them having a chat with each other. Another scene could be of the director talking to the camera people or to the presenters telling them what they should do. Another scene could be of the camera people turning on their cameras and lining it up to get the shot they want. This shows the many different job roles and how it works... educating the target audience. However, to make it look and sound modern, i'd have special effects that the graphic generator will create, and include a song that's very new and urban.

We have to include at least 3 music videos in which the people who are starring in it, are the guests of the show. I wanted to chose 3 music videos that are very different  I have chosen: Jada's, Taylor's and Anthony's music video because it is very different from any video that i've seen and something you would expect out of the movies which is very interesting. I will also use Tj's and Kaval's because theirs is a rap music video and I wanted something different from Jada's, Taylor's and Anthony's video to give variation. Lastly, I would chose Jasmeet's and Prinul's because theres is an R'n'B song which again, is different to the Rap and Indie genre.

Pre-recorded footage - have two stars from one of the music videos to have an interview about the music video they starred in. Another of fans of the guests asking questions and having the guests answer them. 

Games are a good way to make the show even more enjoyable to watch because the audience can join in. This game i'm about to talk about is called 'Reveal the Face'. I would have a picture of a singers face that has an effect on it in which the guests will have to answer correctly to get a prize at the end when they've collected the most points. Once they've guessed right, the picture reveals itself into the real picture of the person with a sound of a tick in the background. If they guess wrong, then a negative sound effect will be played. At least 4 pictures will be shown and each time they get harder. Each guest, in order to answer the question, has to make a particular noise in which the presenters will tell them to make... this will make the show more humorous as it's a race to make the sound first. Below are some examples of what I am talking about.

I would also include more games such as quizzes on the music industry, guessing the song, guessing the singer etc. and I would also have gossip time where the presenters will mention many scenarios that have happened in the recent week or in general this year. 
They would refer to tweets and Instagram photos on this section because they get to discuss what people all over the world think of whats happening with a particular scenario e.g. Jay Z, Solange and Beyonce situation. Nicki Minaj's instagram posts and how much she has changed in looks - ask guests if they prefer the new Nicki or old. Opinions on Justin Bieber and how he's been noted badly in the press many times. Then, the presenters will tell audiences at home to hashtag #HearAllAboutItGossip on twitter for them to have their opinions on what the show had just spoke about and what they thought about the guests opinions.

Running Order

The show in total is 30 minutes long. I have used 7:00 as a starting point for when the show will start.

7:00 - Both presenters walking down the hallway talking about the show.
7:02 - The logo appears for a few seconds and then the opening sequence starts.
7:03 - VT clip of what's coming up on the show.
7:07 - First guest is introduced to the show. Show full music video.
7:10 - Presenters gives the guest a drink and the interview begins.
7:13 - Game time: "Guess the song" and they have five songs to guess.
7:15 - Second guest comes on and the music video is shown fully.
7:18 - The interview begins.
7:20 - The game 'Reveal the Face' is then played with both guests.
7:23 - Third and last music video fully played.
7:26 - Pre-recorded interview of the two stars in the third music video.
7:27 - Audience interaction - 'Twitter, #HearAllAboutIt hashtag'
7:28 - Pre-recorded footage of fans of the guests asking questions and having the guests answer them.
7:30 - Outro of the presenters saying what will be on next week, and the guests and presenters both waving goodbye - with credits at the end.

Set Design

Set Design 1: I have kept it simple yet more involved as the table, sofa, and chairs are close together. I feel that if the sofa and the two chairs were far apart from each other then it wouldn't look like a comfortable environment and the situation looks un-involved. The two presenters will be sitting in the two chairs while the guests seated on the sofa. The table is placed in the middle for the presenters and guests to put their drinks on.
Set Design 2: Here, I changed the positioning of the cameras, as they are placed in a more curvy motion.  I have changed the sofa to an L shape sofa, with the presenters sitting where the word 'Sofa' is placed on the diagram, and then the guests will sit on the opposite side. Camera 1 will focus on the presenters. Camera 2 will show the whole area. Camera 3 will focus on the guests. I kept the idea of having the chairs and table close together for the guests to feel relaxed and welcomed in the show.

Designs for the Background

I researched into some shows to look at how their background has been decorated. I wanted to see if I could get any ideas that I can adapt from and make it my own, and to see what is common in chat shows and get an idea of how to design my own. 

I looked at Michael McIntyre's Chat Show because I like the bold purples he's used as the main colour of the show. He's also added pink faded circles on the purple backdrop which makes it look more creative and makes the stage glow. He also has a TV with the logo of the show on display, something I may take into consideration, however, instead of a TV I would just have a big picture of my logo. I've also noticed he has the same colours as what's on his logo, making the show recognisable to be known as Michael McIntyre's show. He also uses oranges and reds to add more colour that brightens up the show even more, other than just having one dark colour as the background throughout.

Next, I looked at 8 out of 10 Cat's Show backdrop. The background is very colourful and includes colours that are bold and quite flourescent. There are different effects added onto the background like you can see on the left hand side, e.g. stripes. However, because many colours are used, I feel this may be too much of a distraction for the viewers as it powers over the guests and presenters... which is what I don't want as the main focus is what's being spoken about by the presenters and guests. This concludes on how I want my background to be when it comes to colours, this being subtle and effortless. 

After looking at these two specific examples, I decided to create my own background with the inspiration of the two shows I looked at. I've decided to to mix the two examples into one. 

Background Design 1: I used the logo background and repeatedly copy and pasted on the same base colour of my logo. I wanted to keep the colours consistent because I didn't want to make it look messy. I then copy and pasted my logo 6 times and scattered them over the background to make the viewers familiar of my show. I then placed my logo in the middle to make it the center of attention to remind viewers what my show is. For my next design, I am going to change around the colours as I feel this design is very basic which could be boring for the viewers to look at. However, I will use some of this design but adapt from it.

Background Design 2: I darkened the colour of my background but kept it the same. This time, I placed my logo on the far left instead of having many of them on one background to see what it would look like. I then changed some of the colours of the circles within the background in purples/pinks that matched the colour of the 'Hear' word. I used my 'Hear All About It!' type and placed it in the center so viewers remember the name of the show. I then copied and pasted the music notes 3 times to add more pattern into the background to contrast to my other design I did. I like this design more than the first because it has more colour and pattern involved, which I feel will intrigue the viewers more.

Visual Style

I've decided to have the presenters dress any way that they would feel comfortable in that is appropriate. However, I feel that dressing too smartly would make the show look too formal and serious which is something that I wouldn't want. I do like the idea of the presenters dressing nice like the ones that I researched of Sam Faiers and Michelle Keegan. Their style is casual but nice. Jessie J's style is very casual in the picture which I feel will make the show look more comfortable and less serious. 

Presentation Style

For the presentation style of the presenters, I would want to show a clear friendship between the two which would make the viewers at home feel more comfortable to watch, otherwise it would sound and look cringe. With friendship, comes laughter which is what I want to be happening as I like the idea of having the banter vibe like Keith Lemon's show and how he is with the other contestants on the show. Without the laughter, the show would seem too serious and formal, when really I want unformal presenters to allow them to be opinionated towards eachother and the guests. When opinions are added, the show will become more interesting as viewers at home may agree or disagree which will make them want to watch more.  

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