Saturday 31 May 2014

Production Meeting Reflection 2

This week we were given our job roles. I got the role of being a Vision Mixer. Although I hadn't chosen Vision Mixer for one of my options, I am ready to have a go and undergo all the tasks to get the best grade possible for myself and everyone else.
I had a task which was to create the running order with the director, Jasmeet, and two of the presenters, TJ and Jada. However, Jada and TJ wasn't in for 2/3 days so it was mainly left to me and Jasmeet. Because Jasmeet is a director she had to go around to everyone else and advise them which left me most of the time with the running order. Before she left, she told me some things in what to include in the running order and I asked her things that I may have misunderstood and she answered me in full detail which was great help. When she left, we were given to us a paper on what to include in a running order and I had jotted down notes around it before actually writing out a running order neatly. Below is the image of what I am talking about.

Note taking I had done.

After, I then started to write down on a clear piece of paper the running order. Jasmeet came into the room where I was doing the running order a couple of times to see if I needed help and I asked her what she thought of the running order so far and showed her the piece of paper where I noted down. She told me some things to include and I had done so. When TJ was in, he also started to write down the times between each sub on the running order sheet. We got Jasmeet to check and to change anything that needed changing. The fact that we got the running order practically finished, that was a successful task of the week. 

Draft of Running Order.

On the last day of the week, we had developed the running order by adding in a new interaction called "Street Beat" which will be pre-recorded, this is where the two presenters will go out into the street and ask random people questions on what they think about the music video. Next week will be the more productive start as live day is only a couple of weeks away. More paper work will be given and I will have to do individual tasks that fit only my vision mixer status. Working with my hierarchical peers resulted in a calm atmosphere as we delved straight into the work.

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