Monday 16 June 2014

Production Meeting Reflection 3

In this week, I had been given the task of testing out transitions on the computer. I had done this on Final Cut Express because the vision mixer wasn't working. I tried out five transitions that would look good for the show, these were: 
  • fade in
  • horizontal wipe top to bottom 
  • vertical wipe middle to left 
  • right vertical wipe left to right
  • horizontal wipe middle to top and bottom

I made sure I used all the transitions that would be on the vision mixer too. I each discussed on the transitions where I would use them in the show and why I would want to use them. 
This task was successful as I managed to finish the transitions in the first lesson which left me to do the analysis for the next 3 lessons; however, I managed to finish this in the second lesson. Throughout the rest of the week, I planned what camera numbers I was going to use to type up into the Master Script which I am starting next week.
I didn't need to change or develop anything as I was just experimenting with the transitions and working out where I wanted things to go.
Next week, I intend on working on the Master Script with the director, Jasmeet, and working out what camera changes I need to do.

I hadn't worked with any of my hierarchical peers as what I was doing, was an individual task. The other peers had their individual work to do so everyone was stuck down into their own work, not bothering anyone else. 

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