Thursday 5 June 2014

Testing Transitions

1. Fade in

The fading transition is a common effect used and is usually shown when welcoming a show as it's first transition. It's also used to show the next shot depending if they want to show a shot that's completely different to what has been shown, e.g. a new location. I would use from when we have the logo shot, to the fade in transition of entering the presenters on the show when they're already sitting down in their seats and welcoming the show. This will enable the show to flow nicely.

2. Horizontal wipe, top to bottom

The horizontal wipe top to bottom is a transition that would be used to enter a totally different new shot. I would use this when the two presenters are walking down the corridor presenting the show, and then use this effect to cut to the intro of the logo.

3. Vertical wipe, middle to left and right

This particular shot would be used to show a new theme to the show. I would put this in where we show the logo and have this effect of entering the interaction section of "Street Beat". This would look appealing to this part as the effect looks like curtains pulling apart for a new scene to happen.

4. Vertical wipe, left to right

I would use this shot to enter the 'news' section, because it will cutaway from the basic interview talk about the music video and will enter the more gossip and juicy information of singers e.g. the Jay Z and Solange elevator incident.

5. Horizontal wipe, middle to top and bottom

This scene would be particular good to enter a completely new shot of a new theme. I would use this in the opening sequence when Farhana has made her video montage. This will show a clear insight into what the show will have presented through the transition of the effect added - making it stream nicely.

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